The Psalm Walk
Anna Johnstone now offers us the blessing of The Psalm Walk.
This 80 page e-book contains 60 reflections and 60 coloured images and in 2 PDF's. (30 reflections in each)
Beautiful paraphrases, reflections, expositions and poems on the psalms, accompanied with unique photography.
download a sample of the stunning e-book here

The Psalm Walk Reviews
"There’s no point beating around the bush. I’m an Anna Johnstone fan! And I have been for longer than I can remember. I’ve got all her previous books (I hope), and I’ll gladly add this new one to my set.
I don’t know how the lady does it. Using words as an artform, she’s injected 21st-century life into these dusty old Psalms.
The design of this book is superb, and the images are simply gorgeous. Her
tasteful turns-of phrase make me envious. (I mean, “Thoughts dogpaddle
widely…” Psalm 27. Why didn’t I write that?) And her gentle, understated God-bits keep hinting at a Creator who’s actually nice, and will stop at nothing to have us come home.
My favourite at this point, from the pages that follow, is ‘Rush Hour Traffic’ Psalm 20. But I’m only halfway through, so watch this space…
To my fellow-readers I would say: Take your time. These thoughtful reflections aren’t a fast-food combo to be gulped down in one bite. More a go-slow once-a-day treat, to be relished in bed, perhaps, over a morning cup of tea.
To Anna I would say: You’ve done it again! I’ve yet to meet you in person, but I feel I already know you. Thanks for sharing your heart in such a creative way."
John Cooney
Grapevine Magazine
"In her unique way, she writes beautiful paraphrases, reflections, expositions, poems on the psalms.
Her words are both grounded and transcendent. She engages with James Bond, Depression, shopping and school boards and had my spirit soaring.
Behind her words are stunning images, an inspiration in themselves.
Anna's writing and images honour the psalms and offer their timeless blessing to our hearts today."
John Hunt,
writer in Celtic Spirituality
"Thank you SO MUCH for giving me a sneak preview of your new book – it’s lovely to see the words and photos together in this way - they complement and enhance each other so well - you must be delighted at the way it is all coming together!"
"Crisp, crunchy, timely, apt, with beautifully presented fresh images, verbal and photographic.
"Wow!" I said when it first sprang to life on my screen. And "Wow!" again with each psalm read and pondered.
Well worth loading into my eBookcase!"
Andrew Dunn - Refresh Editor
"Three words...WOW WOW AND WOW!!!
Anna writes from the heart and gives us an understanding of her relationship with God and how intimate and beautiful it can be.
This book is a book of encouragement - it teaches us it is okay to vent all our frustrations and concerns to our God of unconditional love and know that he understands. It teaches me that even if I pummel God's chest in desperation, he still has his arms around me.
How glad am I that Anna has not kept this gift in a selfish, insecure, private space. She has embraced her gifting and worked hard on it, even struggled with it at times, to produce priceless verse for the reader. We need this book in the rushed time-poor world we live in. It reminds us of what matters most - staying connected to our ever-present, ever-loving God."
Mary Shaw,
Director Casa Lavanda Limited
"The Psalms have always reminded me of the space that prayer creates for the best and worst of our human emotions to be exposed.
Anna Johnstone's latest offering, The Psalm Walk, continues the thoughtful and insightful, reflective conversations with God that we have already seen in her prior volumes.
As in those previous volumes, the text is complemented by photographs - but I think it has been raised a notch - the integration of word and image is particularly striking and sometimes breathtaking. A resource both for individual reflection and corporate worship."
Warren Deason, Pastor,
Albany Presbyterian Church
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