Artist List
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The Interact Devotions/Biblical Studies Teacher Manuals and reproducible Discovery Sheets provide a great base for inspiring students to dig into the Bible and to respond to God personally.
Using up-to-date pedagogy that includes ideas for teachers to hook students in to their studies, builds on prior knowledge, helps them inquire and develop their own questions, actively teach about God, the big story of the Bible and the books within it, develop personal reflection, and encourage active response.
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Search for wisdom in God’s word and see what you discover, especially in Proverbs 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ecclesiastes and Matthew. Years 1-4
NZ $99.95
Search for God’s wisdom and see what you discover as you focus on Proverbs, 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ecclesiastes and Matthew. Years 5-84
NZ $99.95
Reach out to a loving God, and reach out to others with God’s love. Years 1-4
NZ $99.95
Reach out to a loving God, and reach out to others with God’s love. Devotional studies focus on readings from Exodus 19–40, Psalms, Ruth, Songs of Solomon, Galatians, and 1 and 2 Corinthians. Years 5-8
NZ $99.95
Begin to grow in faith as you learn to trust the God of Numbers, Ezekiel and Revelation, who has provided for people throughout history and continues to do so. Years 1-4
NZ $99.95
Begin to grow in faith as you learn to trust the God of Numbers, Ezekiel and Revelation, who has provided for people throughout history and continues to do so. Years 5-8
NZ $99.95
Discover stories in the Bible about Daniel and Esther, and letters like James and 1 and 2 Peter, that can inspire and instruct us when we are afraid. Years 1-4
NZ $99.95
Consider how God’s presence has empowered people throughout history and how it gives us courage today when we are afraid. Years 5-8
NZ $99.95
Consider where everything comes from and see how Joshua and Colossians remind us that God is our source. Years 1-4
NZ $99.95
Consider where everything comes from and see how Joshua and Colossians remind us that God is our source. Years 5-8
NZ $99.95
God often reminds us of forgiveness and new beginnings through the symbolism of water. Years 1-4
NZ $99.95
God often reminds us of forgiveness and new beginnings through the symbolism of water. Years 5-8
NZ $99.95
Read the stories in Genesis 1–11 about God’s creativity. Read the psalms to enjoy aspects of the creativity of David in writing poetry and music. Years 1-4
NZ $99.95
Read the stories in Genesis 1–11 about God’s creativity. Read the psalms to enjoy aspects of the creativity of David in writing poetry and music. Years 5-8
NZ $99.95
Consider the importance of truth, and understand how God’s truth is relevant to our lives today. Years 1-4
NZ $99.95
Consider the importance of truth, and understand how God’s truth is relevant to our lives today. Years 5-8
NZ $99.95