SPARX Resources are for you!
We have integrated SPARX units that:
- integrate Science, Social Science, Health, Language and Character Education
- are broad enough to allow teachers great flexibility
- are broad enough to allow for unique school community responses
- link to the NZ Curriculum vision, principles, values, key competencies, achievement objectives
- respect cultural perspectives
- bring cohesiveness to the school community
- incorporate the latest ideas on educational processes and practices
- develop values and habits of mind
- can be purchased individually, or as a money-saving subscription
We can save you time, provide professional development in the course of planning and inspire your educational programme
SPARX Resources
- provide suggested big ideas, focus questions, skill foci, value foci, key areas of investigation, and lots of ideas to stimulate great teaching within a contemporary framework of learning
- provide ideas for each broad topic in the subjects of:
- Science
- Social Science
- Health (not PE)
- Language genre
- Art, via the Celebrate Art resources
Have an increasingly rich range of support resources including:
- Maths Cards which use maths to discover the ideas about the world around us, and the world around us to discover mathematical principles
It is recommended, though not a requirement, that schools use topics from within a single ‘year’ range within each year in order to ensure a thorough spread of curriculum requirements is covered, e.g.
- Each ‘year’ group has science topics covering Biology, Physics, Earth Science/Astronomy and Chemistry
- Each ‘year’ group has historical, geographical, and cultural study
The following topics are available:
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Further titles in the pipeline:
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