Management Team
Creative Director
Director/Financial Controller
Senior Researcher/Writer
Administrative team
New Zealand Branch Office Manager
Resource Development Team
Artist Liaison
Art Educator
Art Educator
Graphic Designer
Graphic Designer

Helen Pearson
BEd, TTC (Comm)
Helen is a former teacher and principal who enjoys developing high quality resources that inspire students by introducing them to experts like artists and historians, and that reduce the pressures on teachers by providing background research and top quality student resources.
Click here to learn more about the history of Integrated Education Ltd.
Dean Pearson
Dean worked for many years in sales in the IT industry before establishing Integrated Education Ltd with Helen. He directs all administration, sales, and financial matters within Integrated Education Ltd.
Elizabeth Horne
Elizabeth has worked in the Integrated Education office since 2002 and is responsible for customer service, receiving and dispatching orders, answering queries and accounts receivable. She is the person New Zealand teachers are most likely to speak with.
Elizabeth Raikes
Elizabeth graduated from Auckland College of Education in Dec 1999 with a Bachelor of Education.
She taught Years 1 - 3 at Red Beach School for 4 years before spending 22 months working as the New Zealand recruitment manager for TimePlan Education in London and travelling around Europe. After returning home to NZ she taught Years 6 - 8 at KingsWay School for 6 months (2 terms) where she worked as the Art Specialist in the Middle School.
Lee Raela
Lee Raela is a trained teacher (B.Ed). She has taught art at both junior and

senior levels and is currently teaching art classes to adults. She has experience with a range of media and has painted and sold artworks in the Auckland region. Her particular strength is opening up the 'world of art and creativity' to those who are new to its joys.
Linda Stevenson
Linda studied Graphic Design at the Cape Technikon (1978-1981), in Cape Town, South Africa and has worked as a graphic designer for Advertising Agencies, Publishers and Printing Companies for 25 years. She ran her own Design Studio for 7 years, prior to immigrating to New Zealand in 1999.
"As a freelance designer, the depth of my involvement is usually determined by the client's requirements and vision".
Graham Braddock
Graham Braddock topped Mt Albert Grammar School in School Certificate Art in 1958, gained U.E., then commenced correspondence study for a career in art. Graham spent 7 years as a graphic artist then developed his own art print business.
Qualifications & experience
- 1968 - 1999 tutored scores of adult freehand drawing and painting classes and
- 1975 - first one man exhibition in Auckland
- 1975 - 1977 twice won both the Cambridge Art Awards and the Kelliher Art Awards in successive years.
- 1976 - founded and directed the Downtown Hilton Gallery in Auckland
- 1976 - 2002 regular participation in solo and group exhibitions throughout NZ
- 2001 - 2006 developed highly successful, workshop fomat, observational drawing programmes and teaching resources for primary schools. Graham Braddock Art Workshops and Resource Kits have now been introduced to hundreds of schools throughout NZ and are of great value to children and their teachers.
Amanda Kelshaw
Amanda lives in the beautiful Blue Mountains. She has a Bachelor of Visual Arts Education, four years teaching experience of Years 3 - 12. She is an artist herself, and is currently involved in teaching and running a practical art workshop for students 'who love to make, paint, draw and produce art'.
A recent life highlight was 10 months overseas travel in Canada, Europe and Asia, including an invitational visit to the Solomon R. Guggenheim New York to observe one of their educational programs in action
Geraldine Seaton
Geraldine has maintained a life-long interest in Art and enjoyed working for several years in a hand-painted ceramics studio in Auckland. After obtaining a Certificate in Intermediate Fashion from Auckland University of Technology (2001) and a New Zealand National Nanny Certificate in 2003, Geraldine worked and traveled extensively around Europe.
Kerryn Bailey
Dip Tchg, B.Ed
Kerryn has been involved in education since leaving school. With experience in Early Childhood and Primary education she enjoys connecting with children, igniting and fuelling an interest, love and thirst to learn more of the world around them. Since leaving the classroom she has produced an educational video, and become involved and passionate about providing teachers with quality resources that enable them to connect with their students. She believes that Integrated Education Ltd does this very well and enjoys being part of the team to provide great resources for teachers to enable their students to become great.

Jane Jensen
Jane Jensen, artist and art educator, has been involved with Celebrate Art Teaching Resources since the first books were written, and contributed by developing and trialling lesson plans. She recruited 5 of her young students at Mentors Studio, and, over a year and a half, explored and responded to the artwork of Jane Evans, Gretchen Albrecht, Fatu Feu'u, Sylvia Siddell , Philip Trusttum and Nigel Brown. She says, "It was an amazing experience for my students but I found that it enhanced my art appreciation and teaching skills immeasurably."
Jane has recently studied Videography and Art at The Learning Connection, created courses on 'movie making' and developed a 'prototype artist protégé program.
Jane says, "Celebrate Art NZ has done so much for Art Appreciation. The publications go from strength to strength and are constantly evolving. It is a privilege to have any association with Helen and Dean Pearson."
Angie Vreede
B.A. Hons., Dp. Tchg., T.T.C., C.A.T. Angie taught English and Music in Northland, New Zealand, for four years before traveling through Europe in 1990/91. Upon returning to New Zealand she worked as Registrar and tutor at a private training establishment in Tauranga before joining Integrated Education's writing team in 2001. Married to Dirk, her interests include art, music, movies, literature and their schnauzer, Enzo.

Naomi Phillips
Naomi studied Design in 1997 and completed a Bachelor of Creative Arts in 2001. She spent time in 2002 working with underprivileged children in India and worked in pastoral care at art colleges throughout Sydney during 2003-2005. She joined our research team in 2006.
Kathryn Mountain
Kathryn has over six years’ experience in the design and print industry. With a Bachelor of Design from Unitec in Auckland, she began her career as a junior mac operator. She soon excelled to the position of senior graphic designer within the company, gaining a wealth of knowledge and skills. Now, Kathryn owns and directs her own successful company, creating everything from the smallest labels, websites and brochures to the printed book.
In her spare time, Kathryn enjoys reading, painting and tramping in New Zealand's beautiful nature. Her greatest success is being a proud wife and mother.
Ursula Cranmer
Ursula has a BA (Fine Art/Art History) and Dip. Ed. She has taught art at primary, secondary and tertiary level. Ursula is a practising artist exploring contemporary acrylics in painting and printmaking, and runs regular workshops at various institutes. Ursula is a senior researcher and editor for the Celebrate Art poster series in Australia and New Zealand.