Australian Christian Schools Interact Curriculum Annual Subscription (A)
Looking for a quality integral and biblically based curriculum for teaching and learning?
The Interact Curriculum Subscription is designed for you!
Integrated Units for Science, Social Science, Health, Language, and Values Education based on God’s character (God is our Source, God is Forgiving, God is Creative, God is Truth) seamlessly woven into a term-long investigation.
We can save you time, provide professional development in the course of planning and inspire your educational programme.
We can save you time, provide professional development in the course of planning and inspire your educational programme.
For your subscription you will receive BOTH Years 1-4 and Years 5-8 folders containing:
- Devotions
- Science
- Social Science
- Health
- Language (genre)
Interact Discovery Sheet books for
- Devotions
- Science
- Social Science
That means your entire school can be working on the same topic at different levels, meeting government requirements in an integrated programme and all the hard thinking and planning preparation has been done for you.
Put your energy into delivering excellent education in the classroom rather than spending hours researching and coming up with good information, stimulating questions and activities, and integration between subjects.
We have a money-back guarantee. We respect your right to see the material and check it out to see its quality and will fully refund you if our materials are returned in saleable condition within 30 days.
So, why not join the schools who love Interact. We love developing our resources, and we love selling them, because we hear so often how they are inspiring great education.
“Simply the best, versatile, Godly Christian Curriculum out there.”
Joanne Yuhayco
Christian Renewal School, Whangarei, Interact user since 2001
“I commend the Interact Curriculum material as a stimulating resource that facilitates communal and contextual curriculum development.”
Ken Dickens Principal
National Institute of Christian Education
DipTeach, CertTheol, MEdSt, PhD(Cand), MACEL
Contact us today to find out more!